7 Promo Ideas to Help Staff Retention

Author: Steven Cronin  Date Posted:11 January 2023 

Don't get me wrong! It’s a common occurrence that staff come and go in most businesses....

However, 2022 brought a whole new struggle for business owners, with the loss in staff increasing by more than 5% last year.

It doesn’t seem like much, but for a small to medium business, it still means they are losing an extra one or two more employees than they would usually forecast for. Then you have even higher turnover for large corporations. In some cases HR divisions reporting as high as 10% moving on or moving out of current roles.

On average, to replace a staff member, train them and bring them up to speed on your particular running procedures can cost an employer upwards of $20k. That’s a big investment when you aren’t expecting it. If you lose multiple staff, it adds up quickly!

We’ve started 2023 by gifting all our staff a “Welcome back to the office” promo gift and thought we would share the idea with you. There is a statistic we love! It states “59% of employees who receive a promotional item from their employer, had a more favourable outlook on their workplace and their overall job afterwards”.

Lady holding custom branded bottle with her name.

Something as small as a water bottle with their name engraved on it could work a treat and will be a useful reminder that their employer specifically thought of them, all whilst also thinking of their health and hydration whilst in the office!

Back to office or promotional staff gift ideas are sure to make a huge comeback this year. In the hope that staff realise they are appreciated and don’t think the grass is greener on the other side, reach out to us today for some ideas, or feel free to browse our products and pricing below.

We’ve listed some ideas below to help you out if you are thinking of rewarding your staff with meaningful gestures this year.

Afterall, even multiple gifts throughout the year for recognition is a lot more cost effective than having to replace multiple staff!

Water Bottles


Picnic Blankets

Custom Pens

Laptop Bags

Wireless Phone Chargers

Coffee Cups

Wishing you all a very happy and rewarding 2023. The whole team at Easy Promo look forward to helping out with all your promo and print needs this year.

Our 2023 Back to Work Promotional Product Catalogue Below!